Tag Archives: Happiness

Waiting For My Prince Charming

Once upon a time
We were all told stories
Of princes and princesses
In all of their glories
But the tales we’re told 
Of good overcoming evil
Were so out of date
They’re practically medieval
With knights in shinning armour
And young girls locked in a tower
True loves unconsensual kiss
It’s so gross I need a shower.

Disney promised me 
He’d be my Prince Charming
But I got a little nervous
And drank something calming
But this potion is too strong
It’s a bit alarming
And in the blink of an eye
It’s the next morning
I’m still just waiting 
For my Prince Charming.

I was told it would be special
I was told it would be fun
But when it was all over
I didn’t even come
No horse drawn carriage
Came to take me home
I had to walk the streets
All on my very own
And in the hour just before dawn
Having lost more than my shoe
He wasn’t my Prince Charming
That’s about all I knew.

Disney promised me 
He’d be my Prince Charming
But I got a little nervous
And drank something calming
But this potion is too strong
It’s a bit alarming
And in the blink of an eye
It’s the next morning
I’m still just waiting 
For my Prince Charming.

Gone are the days
Of balls and dances
Now you’ll get lucky
With just second glances
But when the magic runs out
And his crown is gone
I can see clearly
A new villain is born
Because all the kings horses
And all the kings men
Couldn’t put me 
Back together again.

Disney promised me 
He’d be my Prince Charming
But I got a little nervous
And drank something calming
But this potion is too strong
It’s a bit alarming
And in the blink of an eye
It’s the next morning
So I’m done waiting 
For my Prince Charming.

Little Secret

There’s a voice in my head
And it tells me bad things
I can’t repeat what it said
I’m a puppet on its strings
But I pray for wings
After its come and gone
All that’s left is a scar
And only I mourn
So sit back and laugh
At the girl with the broken heart

It’s our little secret
We can’t all be perfect
Filled with shame and regret
Is this as dark as it gets
It’s our little secret
We’re all a bloody mess
One you wish to forget
Is this as dark as it gets

I used to think it was my fault
That I was not good enough
It turned me cold
Like a don’t give a fuck
But it was all too much
I’m drowning in it
Why can’t you see
I’ve been through some shit
And I’m fighting to breathe
Where have you been

It’s our little secret
We can’t all be perfect
Filled with shame and regret
Is this as dark as it gets
It’s our little secret
We’re all a bloody mess
One you wish to forget
Is this as dark as it gets

I opened myself up
To a drunken mess
And either you forgot
Or you tried your best
I’m spiralling down
Now watch me bleed
I’m empty now
Why can’t you see me
Maybe you were better off
Without me

It’s our little secret
We can’t all be perfect
Filled with shame and regret
Is this as dark as it gets
It’s our little secret
We’re all a bloody mess
One you wish to forget
Is this as dark as it gets


Chase It

I’m sitting and thinking and going insane
I’m stuck in limbo and everyday is the same
I’m trying and fighting to breathe through each day
But this life ain’t living things need to change
When hoping and praying just isn’t enough
You need to got out swinging you need to get tough

You can hide behind your dreams all day
But don’t day dream your days away

Life doesn’t happen unless you make it
And you won’t be happy if you fake it
When you want something you need to chase it
And once you have it, don’t forsake it

I’m looking and searching for something to do
I need to get out and see something new
Chilling and waiting for good things to come to you
Won’t make dreams come to life, won’t make them come true
When I’m screaming and crying from all the rejection
I’ll know I lived life so full, to perfection

You can hide behind your dreams all day
But don’t day dream your days away

Life doesn’t happen unless you make it
And you won’t be happy if you fake it
When you want something you need to chase it
And once you have it, don’t forsake it

When life gets you down you gotta get back up
Keep going, going, going, going, going.
When you’re on the path but you get stuck
Keep going, going, going, going, going.
When you stop trying, hoping for a little luck
Keep going, going, going, going, going.
When life gets you down you gotta get back up
And keep going.

You can hide behind your dreams all day
But don’t day dream your days away

Life doesn’t happen unless you make it
And you won’t be happy if you fake it
When you want something you need to chase it
And once you have it, don’t forsake it


Small Town

You’re always talking
How we need to do more things together
But what’s the rush when you have forever
And when you say
No to all my ideas
Saying we have years and years
I can’t stay

My passports by my bed side
You let yours go out of date
You always say you’re busy
But you’re not worth the wait
Flights booked my bags packed
I just can’t help but smile
Sorry Mr Small Town guy
You won’t see my for a while

I can’t be that girl
The one that stays home when you’re always out
That’s not what life should be about
And I won’t wait
For you to change your mind
Don’t think I won’t leave you behind
It’s too late

My passports by my bed side
You let yours go out of date
You always say you’re busy
But you’re not worth the wait
Flights booked my bags packed
I just can’t help but smile
Sorry Mr Small Town guy
You won’t see my for a while

Got my head in the clouds
On my way somewhere new
I’m not going to go there
With someone like you
If you’re not on board this flight
Then you’re just not worth the fight
Excuses, excuses
If you’d rather climb the corporate ladder
Than the highest mountains does it even matter
To fight is useless

My passports by my bed side
You let yours go out of date
You always say you’re busy
But you’re not worth the wait
Flights booked my bags packed
I just can’t help but smile
Sorry Mr Small Town guy
You won’t see my for a while


Oh, Well.

You know, when you start seeing someone you’ve known for years in a whole new light and suddenly they seem like a totally different person. That’s what Dawn is about.

I was quite angry when I wrote this and I wasn’t holding back. Now some time has past and I’m getting over it. I haven’t forgotten the new light I see them in, but I’ve pushed it to the back of my mind.

It’s amazing how hard I try to avoid conflict. It’s not fun fighting with people, so I prefer to hide those feelings in the deepest darkest parts of my mind and once they’re there, I can treat that person like I would any other day.

That’s probably it healthy, right? Well that is for future Roxanne to deal with.

Besides, writing helps heal most wounds. You know, just not the real, literal wounds.

God, I hope one day I don’t explode from all the conflicts I’ve avoided.

Oh, well.



So, yesterday I made an impromptu decision to join my friends on their trip to Japan. After clearing with work first of course. Considering I’m going to Canada in less than two weeks and didn’t have enough holiday days to go to Japan for two weeks.


I cleared it with work and booked my flights and accommodation. I’m going on two overseas holidays this year. It’s just lucky I had enough money saved that I could afford it all. But that’s what my money has always been for. I work so that I can travel.


I have already visited 15 countries in less that five years, 17 by the end of this year, and my wanderlust doesn’t seem to be fading at all. If anything it’s getting stronger. With each country I visit I want to see more, experience more cultures. Japan had never really been on my list of places to see, until recently, and now I’m super excited about going.


I like seeing how other people live, what they consider a normal part of their life and comparing it to my own. I now know how small my life really was growing up. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to have grown up in Australia with two loving parents and two siblings. I went to a private school, had decent clothes and went waterskiing on the weekend. I had a pretty good upbringing, but I lived in a bubble.


I’m starting to learn how big the world really is and it’s changing me. When people I went to school with are getting married and having kids, I just don’t see the point. I used to think having a boyfriend was so important, but it’s not.


There’s more to life than having some guy buy you dinner. If I found someone to go with me to see the world that might be a different story, but until that day, I won’t settle for anyone who doesn’t see the world as I do or isn’t even open to it.


I can’t wait to experience more of what life has to offer, or what more I could life about the world and about myself.




The girl you see walking down the street
She walks in rhythm to a different beat
Her heads held high, she is self assured
So don’t waste a smile, you’ll be ignored
Her hearts so cold she doesn’t even care
She won’t spare your feelings when your soul is bare
With eyes that sparkle and pull you in deep
If looks could kill she’d be the death of me

She’s a green haired, green eyed, tattooed freak
Wears dresses so short giving everyone a peak
Got eyes that follow her everywhere she goes
But who is this girl in the tight black clothes

The girl you see walking all alone
She’d rather be listening to her headphones
She might force a smile to pretend that she’s nice
But you should know she’s both fire and ice
The glare that she’s wearing its ‘cos she hates us
She won’t let you in a ten foot radius
With the sun on her skin and her head in the sky
She thinks she’s better than you so don’t even try

She’s a green haired, green eyed, tattooed freak
Wears dresses so short giving everyone a peak
Got eyes that follow her everywhere she goes
But who is this girl in the tight black clothes

What does her boyfriend think of her outlandish ways
When she changes her look with the latest craze
She wants us to judge her on what we can see
God forbid they try to get to know me

She’s a green haired, green eyed, tattooed freak
Wears dresses so short giving everyone a peak
Got eyes that follow her everywhere she goes
But who is this girl in the tight black clothes


Live Your Life

Sweet Dreams was written about my desire to travel. It’s kinda been taking over my mind lately, probably because I’m going to Canada in June, but I’m also already planning a trip to Europe for next year.

I wrote it because all over Facebook recently, people my age (23) and younger have been getting married and announcing that they’re pregnant, which, you know, congrats as long as they are happy, but I just can’t imagine putting my own dreams on hold for someone else. So I just want to tell people who have these dreams to travel or do something with their life that they aren’t already doing, that they should go and do it now before something comes up and that option is taken away from them forever.

Life is too short not to do what makes you happy, but long enough that once you’ve gone out and lived life the way you wanted, you have time to settle down. That’s my belief anyway. If you die before you settle, before having kids, you’re not going to regret it. Those kids won’t grow up without a parent and you never knew what it was like to have a child. If you die before you got a chance to really live, that you’ll regret.

I want to live and die with no regrets. To see the countries I want to see, to try things I want to try and to learn things I want to learn. Sometimes things change when we don’t want them to change, and sometimes things stay the same when we do want them to change. Sometimes you need to make the change to see the future you want. To be the person you want.


Sweet Dreams

When the world is telling you to stop
But all you want to do is move
Take those steps to your own beat
No one can tell you what to do
If you follow your own brick road
Waking up shouldn’t be a chore
So take the road less traveled
We’re not in Kansas anymore

Take the road outta this town
And get your ass on a plane
Leave the land where time stands still
And get the hell outta this place
When your wishes are all but granted
When your sweet dreams fade to black
You’ve got time for a road trip
Cut the ties holding you back

You can’t live your life in fear
Of when life decides to make changes
So don’t let your own voice stop you
Or the unkindness of strangers
Find your reason to wake up each day
You should live to sleep when you’re dead
I came I saw I conquered it all
Should be written on your death bed

Take the road outta this town
And get your ass on a plane
Leave the land where time stands still
And get the hell outta this place
When your wishes are all but granted
When your sweet dreams fade to black
You’ve got time for a road trip
Cut the ties holding you back

Those who keep time let time fly by
Who knows what tomorrow will bring
So go on get out your guitar
A watched clock doesn’t sing
Run to the edge of the world
Leave all your troubles behind
Don’t say you’ll do it tomorrow
Hurry up cause you’re out of time

Take the road outta this town
And get your ass on a plane
Leave the land where time stands still
And get the hell outta this place
When your wishes are all but granted
When your sweet dreams fade to black
You’ve got time for a road trip
Cut the ties holding you back


I Am Happy

I wrote What If about a conversation a had with this guy once where I wasn’t totally honest, and if I had told the truth, it may not have been the last time that we ever spoke. Of course, my inability to be vulnerable strikes again.

He recently followed me on Instagram (iam_roxanne in case you were wondering) and it made my think about our last conversation and if I had been telling the truth or not when he asked me if I had feelings for him. I said no and I don’t know if that was true and if it wasn’t, would he have said he had feelings for me too? Would we have started dating? Would we still be together?

I had so many questions that I couldn’t answer so I decided to write some lyrics about it. I had the chorus first. It’s basically just all the thoughts I had at the time. The rest was harder. By the time I started to write the rest I wasn’t in the same head. I was no longer panicking about maybe making a mistake. But I got there in the end.

I don’t think I made a mistake. He has been seeing this girl since not long after our last conversation. He seems happy. And I’m happy too. I guess the moral of this story is if it’s meant to be it’ll happen and don’t stress about the decisions you’ve made in the past, it’s too late to change them and they’ll only put a damper on your future.
